Meet Bradleigh-Adventures of Bradleigh
The year in-between the end of my first semester of university and my trip to New Zealand I worked at a brew-pub. If you want to meet a variety of interesting characters, work at a brew-pub. One coworker, Sean, would often refer to some Bradley. At first I thought Bradley might be his partner, but the way he talked about him didn’t quite seem to be the way you would talk about your partner. “Bradley’s had a long day, Bradley needs to lay in bed and have a glass of wine, Bradley’s feeling extra sore today.” It seemed like Bradley always had something to complain about.
I wasn’t the only one at the pub confused about this Bradley character Sean always referred to. During a busy lunch shift, Sean finally got a quick smoke break during a lull in traffic. He ran through the kitchen screaming “everybody out of the way, Bradley needs nicotine!” A new line cook was in that day and that was his introduction to Sean. A few days later, that line cook sees Sean and says “Hey Bradley, how’s it going?” Sean looks at the cook in disgust, down at himself, and then back at the cook. “You don’t know Bradley well enough to speak to him like that!” It turns out Bradley is the name Sean gave to his fake hip after he had a hip replacement a few years back.
Fast forward to the week before I leave for New Zealand; Sean and I have become good friends and I endearingly refer to him as my Dad-mom. We go out on an adventure day with our other coworker Shannon (Mom-dad), and while we’re having our dinner, Sean pulls out this silly action figure. It was given to him as a gift from an old pub-regular, and it’s been his good luck charm over the years. “This is Bradley, spelled B-r-a-d-l-e-i-g-h, and I want you to find a way to make space in your luggage for him. Whenever you’re scared or need a little guidance, take out Bradleigh.”
So here we are. Bradleigh’s with me in New Zealand and I’ve taken him on every adventure I’ve had so far. Enjoy Bradleigh’s adventures throughout New Zealand.
14.5 hour flight to Auckland
Here, Bradleigh’s looking out the window on his flight from Houston, Texas to Auckland, New Zealand. The flight was 14.5 hours, making his travel a 24 hour journey total. Unfortunately for him, there was a baby a couple rows down crying on and off the entire flight. Bradleigh was not thrilled.
First Coffee in Auckland
Bradleigh arrived in Auckland city at 8:30 am on a Thursday. He was still trying to wrap his brain around how he time travelled. He fell asleep on Tuesday night in Houston, and woke up Thursday early morning somewhere over the Pacific. He never lived Wednesday. Bradleigh might need a second coffee to understand this one.
View of Auckland City
Bradleigh was lucky enough that this was his view his first few days in Auckland. Better than the view from the basement he was living out of a couple days later…Nice views are expensive and Bradleigh can’t afford to live a life a luxury for long.
Bradleigh the Fairy King
Bradleigh moved further north out into the “burbs” into this adorable fairy lodge. He pranced around the gardens, took showers outside, and made friends with the passing wildlife. Now this is living; who could ask for more?
To the Farm!
Bradleigh wants more! Time to dive head first into farm life and really get a taste for the outdoors. Here, Bradleigh is on the last bus of his three hour three hour commute to the farm. Who knows what adventures await…
Hey there! If you enjoyed my story and want to give a little to support me on my journey, you can buy me a coffee 🖤